Neurodiversitywhat is autism ni

What is Autism NI?

15 April 2021

AUTISM NI have a number of services that operate throughout Northern Ireland.

What can I get involved in at Autism NI?

Autism NI have a number of services that operate throughout Northern Ireland including an autism specific Helpline, an Early Intervention service, and training opportunities for family members and professionals. Autism families can get involved by joining one of their 20 Support Groups which operate in local communities across Northern Ireland or support the Charity’s campaigns for better autism services in Northern Ireland.

To support Autism NI’s services, the Charity has a range of different fundraising events that supporters can get involved in, ranging from sponsored walks and treks to skydives. Furthermore, All monies raised for Autism NI will stay in Northern Ireland and will be used to support the Charity’s vital services.


For young people, what sort of projects do you run and for what ages? What do your youth projects involve?

Autism NI have a number of different projects for young people. Their Girls and Autism Project works with girls (aged 11 -17 years) and their families in the Northern Trust area.  The service aims to remove barriers for autistic girls within the home, school and community environments to support achievement, enjoyment and full participation. 

Autism NI have a Youth Club in the North Coast area for autistic young people aged between 8-17 years old. In addition, Members of the Youth Club have built friendships by playing team games as a larger group and breaking up into smaller groups to do specific activities of their choice.

Autism NI run activities for young people under 18 years old in their Support Group network across Northern Ireland. Young people have the opportunity to attend Summer Schemes, Balanceability courses and a CoderDojo Club.

For adults, what sort of projects for you run and for what ages? What do your adult projects involve?

Autism NI have an Autistic Adults Committee for those over 18. The Committee meets on bi-monthly basis to provide information, knowledge and feedback into the Charity’s services.

Autistic adults can also avail of Autism NI’s services such as the Helpline service, training opportunities and support groups.

Autism NI also encourages autistic adults to apply to become an Autism Ambassador. An Autism Ambassador raises awareness and understanding of autism in local communities and volunteers for the Charity at information stands and events.

Autism Ambassadors become a voice in the community and help build an inclusive society for everyone.

What can I expect from your support services?

Autistic people and their families can expect our services to be informative, bespoke and supportive. The team at Autism NI have great experience, knowledge and understanding of autism families and their needs.

Autism NI wants to ensure that services are available to everyone in the autism community and build a society that is inclusive to all.


If I wanted to get support or join a project, would I have to pay?

All of Autism NI’s projects are funded by different funding bodies. Some of Autism NI’s training opportunities are funded. On the courses that are not funded, there is a small fee for parents and carers.

How do I sign-up to get involved? 

For more information on Autism NI’s services and how to get involved, visit


Are there any waitlists?

Due to the increasing demand for Autism NI’s services; on some projects and services there are waitlists.

Featured Organisation

price rangeFree or Funded

locationLocal & National

Autism NI has a family support team who are committed to supporting all families with the many issues and challenges they may face.

KEYWORD TAGS: neurodiverse spotlight

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