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Your Guide To EFT

19 March 2021

Your guide to EFT. Learn how EFT can help with anxiety, depression, fears, phobias, physical pain, PTSD and much more.

Nigel Comer and Karon Clements run EFT Tapping Training Ireland along with holistic other services.

Nigel is an accredited Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner and Trainer with EFTMRA.

“As they say, I have been there and have got the ‘t-shirt.’ Like many people, I have a story of self-doubt, self-sabotage, feeling not good enough, and in the past often lacked self confidence.  I now have a number of tools at my fingertips that I use to quickly and effectively change my mood, and which I use to free up limiting beliefs I formed when I was little. Limiting beliefs that no longer serve me. I’ m passionate in helping people who have been bullied, put down, physically or psychologically abused in some way, or who generally feel overwhelmed, as well as people who have experienced major trauma in life, leaving them with flashbacks, panic attacks, fears, phobias and physical pain. I believe all of these symptoms can be cleared because I was able to, and so will you. My story might resonate with you, and if so rest assured help is at hand. I will show you how you can reclaim your personal power.” - Nigel Comer

Karon is an accredited Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner and Trainer with EFTMRA.

“Health really does matter! I believe everyone deserves great health. Pain, stress, illness, grief ,anxiety can be greatly reduced if we are willing to get help and make an effort to do something different in our life. Stress, anxiety, grief, depression, anger, fear, phobias etc produce harmful chemicals that can have a physical effect on our bodies. I can show you how to use emotional freedom techniques (tapping) that is extremely easy and has amazingly quick results. Scientific tests show how simply tapping on certain meridian points can reduce these chemicals and put us back in control of our emotions. It is my passion in life to help people from all walks of life use these amazing techniques to maintain health and happiness.” - Karon Clements


Nigel Comer and Karon Clements, founders of EFT Tapping Training Ireland, created this handy guide to understanding Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), including how to use it and what it does to help address many of the issues affecting mental health.

What is EFT?

EFT is a great self-help tool and a life skill shared around the globe by many people. Research shows that Emotional Freedom Techniques, commonly known as EFT or ‘Tapping,’ regulates our nervous system, reduces stress and lowers anxiety. EFT is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.


Does EFT actually work?

EFT has been widely used to address anxiety, depression, fears, phobias, physical pain, PTSD and much more. If there’s an emotional element to any issue, EFT has been proven to be effective in rebalancing the mind and body.

There are over 100 studies demonstrating EFT’s effectiveness. In 2019, research into the effects of EFT found tapping improved anxiety in 90% of its patients, compared to 63% of CBT patients. This study also found that self-applied EFT in cases of depression, pain and cravings resulted in significant improvements, including a reduction in the severity of symptoms experienced by patients.

What does EFT involve?

EFT puts the body back into a relaxed state, enabling the immune system to function as it should. This helps us regain clarity and increases feelings of vitality, wellbeing and joy. The basic tapping technique works by focusing on a negative emotion or physical pain, including a fear, a worry, a negative memory or an unresolved problem. While you maintain your mental focus on the issue, you use your fingertips to activate specific meridian points on the body. 

There’s mounting scientific evidence to show how stimulating these points sends a calming signal to the brain, which keeps the body out of a fight, flight or freeze response and enables us to look at our issue in a new light with an improved mental state.

Do I need to do EFT with a therapist or can I do it myself?

EFT can be learned in minutes by anyone and it doesn’t require previous knowledge. It’s a great self-help tool for everyday concerns, but it’s recommended that you seek the help of a trained EFT practitioner for bigger issues. Once learned, these safe, easy and effective techniques can be used to take your power back – and at any time of the time.


What are the benefits of doing EFT? 

There are many benefits to doing EFT. You can use it whenever you want to for calming your mind and body to get clarity, feel empowered, reduce your physical pain and control your thoughts or emotions. EFT can address issues from your past or present and can ease your worries about the future. EFT can also be used at any time once it’s learned, in regards to helping with small, everyday concerns. In these instances, individuals can reset their thoughts and emotions without the need to consult a practitioner. However, addressing deep rooted and limiting beliefs is best achieved in the presence of a qualified practitioner.

How do I know if I need EFT? 

If you’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed, lost, vulnerable, depressed or you’re in pain, EFT could help you. In addition to the ‘tapping’ process, we bring to mind and say out loud how we are feeling  while we tap. This means we bring our attention to the emotions we’re experiencing – such as anger, sadness, guilt – and say where in our body we feel the emotion, whether it’s your  head, neck or stomach, etc. This is called the “Set-up Phase” and we repeat this three times before moving on.

How do I start using EFT?

In addition to the ‘tapping’ process, we bring to mind and say out loud how we are feeling while we tap. This means we bring our attention to the emotions we’re experiencing – such as anger, sadness, guilt – and say where in our body we feel the emotion, whether it’s your head, neck or stomach, etc. This is called the “Set-up Phase” and we repeat this three times before moving on.

Once we have said out loud what emotion we feel and where it occurs in our body, we tap the remaining EFT meridian points while repeating out loud a shortened form, or what is called a “Reminder Phrase” of the ‘anger in our stomach’ or ‘nervousness in our chest’.

This is a snapshot of one way EFT can be applied. As with any therapy, EFT has many advanced techniques and nuances, and when learned and crafted, it can be applied to most issues. These images show how ‘basic’ EFT can be learned and applied in minutes with no requirement to learn or understand the advanced form. 

Do I need to work with an EFT practitioner? 

Though it’s not a prerequisite for booking a session with an EFT practitioner, it’s recommended you consult your GP as EFT is not intended to replace established medical practices. 

EFT is now recognised as a set of ‘complementary’ techniques being incorporated into mainstream practices by counsellors, psychotherapists, physiotherapists, craniosacral therapists, reflexologists, dentists and NHS staff.

Having trained medical professionals to EFT Practitioner status, we’re available for a consultation to see how best EFT can be of help. 

Where can I learn more about EFT?

You'll find some great, free tutorials via YouTube but for now check out this short video introduction to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, sometimes known as Tapping), by a NI based EFT practitioner and trainer Karon Clements, of Health Matters


Here's a simple tutorial for when feeling overwhelmed by Nigel Colmer, EFT Master Trainer.

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