Get MindfulGratitude - Three Good Things

Gratitude - Three Good Things

18 February 2023

Can you find something to be grateful for even on the grey days? While taking this video, I was grateful for seeing flying ducks, hearing the crashing waves, and how you can hardly tell where the sky stops and the sea starts.

Catherine Wells

Catherine Wells

Occupational Therapist


Three Good Things Gratitude Practice

  1. Take a few minutes to reflect on your day.
  2. Pick three things you are grateful for that happened to you- no matter how small.
  3. Feel deep thanks in the body as you reflect on why you are grateful for each one.
  4. Reflect on the cause of each thing and recognise what the source of each thing is. 


Often, many of the things we are grateful for are gifts bestowed upon us from something outside of ourselves.


For example, due to other people, fate, or nature…

Acknowledge that many of the things we are grateful for are gifts bestowed upon us from something external and beyond our control, and we are blessed enough to be the one who benefits. 


Try this practice for a few minutes, a few times a week.


Get Inspired Further

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Fancy finding a way to discover a simple yet scientifically supported way to increase happiness in your life? We spoke with Catherine Wells Occupational Therapist to find out her top tips.

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You can write a novel, jot down a few bullet points, or even sketch your thoughts. It's your space to be as creative or straightforward as you want.

why you should try breathwork

Breathwork practices can have a profound effect on our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. 

KEYWORD TAGS: gratitude

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