Get Informed

Improving our mental, emotional wellbeing begins with learning. When we understand mental health and how it can be impacted, it helps us to support ourselves and others through any wellbeing or mental health problems.

Knowing is the key to unlocking a happier, healthier life – not just for ourselves, but our loved ones, too.

What is Anxiety, Really?

Anxiety is a common condition affecting anyone at any age.

Vagus Nerve: Eye Gaze Exercise
Catherine Wells

This exercise was developed by Stanley Rosenberg. It is believed that it stimulates the vagus nerve which in turn, can initiate a relaxation/parasympathetic response.

Spotlight Network Personnel

Network Personnel deliver training and employment initiatives throughout Northern Ireland, Cavan and Monaghan.

Vagus Nerve: Daily Toning Activities

Try these Vagal Nerve toning activities that you can easily fit into your daily routine. Strengthening your vagal nerve has many benefits including better stress management, emotional regulation, and overall well-being

Vagus Nerve: 3 Way Breath
Catherine Wells

A great exercise for enhancing vagal tone and initiating the relaxation/parasympathetic response reducing feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.

Let's talk about the Vagus Nerve

Let's dive into the fascinating world of the vagus nerve. Ever heard of it? If not, you're in for a treat because it's a big player in taking us from the stress response, back into the relaxation response.

Nature: Connection, Inspiration & Wonder
Catherine Wells

Nature can provide a momentary release from stress but it’s more than that. Catherine Wells, Occupational Therapist shares her thoughts along with Wendell Berry's poem to explore this further.

Anxiety? Kill it with compassion

 Dive into the importance of self-compassion and how it is the foundation of anxiety-busting superpowers.

Boundaries: How to set them with confidence

10 questions you can ask yourself in order to feel prepared and confident when setting boundaries.

Lets talk about Boundaries

A simple yet profound well-being tip that often gets overlooked – setting boundaries.

Book Review Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy
Martyn Henry

Eat That Frog takes the idea that if the first thing you do each day is eat a frog (important/difficult tasks), then you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that it's probably the worst thing you'll do all day.

Compassion Fatigue
Robert Prentice

“As long as I can remember my mother has been this strong, proud, courageous woman and now all I see is a shadow of who she was. It terrifies me and makes me think about things I wish I didn't have to think about.  I'm irritable with my mother, my children and I don't like myself most of the time.”  

Considering Starting Counselling?

You may be considering counselling or therapy for the first time and we understand what a daunting process it can be making the first steps to reach out for help.

Let's Talk About Menopause
Emma Doran

In simple terms, the menopause is when our hormone levels begin to change and we stop having periods. 

10 Self Care Tips for Men
Martin Henry

As a counsellor I spend time exploring with guys what self-help might look like and especially practical tools that can be used daily. 

Why Can’t I Access CBT if I Have Complex PTSD

CBT can be accessed by someone with CPTSD, but this will often depend on where you have tried to access CBT and also on your individual situation.

CBT - What is it?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that looks at how you think about yourself, the world and other people by looking at how your actions affect your thoughts and feelings.

I Have OCD - How Do I Get This Under Control?
Cara Swanson

In this blog, Cara Swanston answers an anonymous question on living with OCD.

Understanding Self-Harm

If you’re self-harming, you don’t have to go through this alone, you can get the right support to improve your wellbeing.

Am I Depressed?

Everyone has moments of feeling down, and for some of us, these feelings are fleeting come-and-go emotions. But for others, this feeling of sadness is more intense than short-lived mood fluctuations.

Understanding Suicidal Thoughts

If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal, you might be scared, overwhelmed or confused. But you’re not alone.

Talking To Someone About Your Mental Health

Starting a conversation about your mental health can be helpful in getting the support you need to feel better. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with a mental health problem or you don’t feel like yourself, talking to someone can help you feel less alone.

How to Start a Conversation

Have you noticed a friend or family member behaving differently? Are they not seeming like their usual self? It might be time to have a conversation with them about their mental health.

What Is Art Therapy?
Erin and Nina

Art therapy can help you in many ways. Art therapists, Nina & Erin, explain how.

How To Get Better Sleep

A good night’s sleep helps us to be at our best during the day. But a bad night’s sleep can make us feel our worst. Here’s how to get better sleep.


If you are experiencing distress or are in a mental health crisis please contact
Lifeline on 0808 808 8000


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